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RCP strategy 2022–24 Educating, improving and influencing for better health and careIntroduction The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) is at a critical point in its history following the pandemic and the resulting societal changes. The pandemic has both demonstrated the pivotal role of physicians in healthcare systems across the globe and revealed the enormous challenges that these systems and all clinicians face. The RCP was due to release its next strategy when the pandemic took hold in 2020 and while the broad principles underpinning it have remained constant, the context has changed and provided us with the opportunity to review our focus. The RCP is a complex organisation, being both a professional membership body and a registered charity. We therefore produced this strategy following consultation with our members and stakeholders and it is mindful of our responsibilities in both of these roles. Our vision and mission are unchanged in spirit from the 2015–20 strategy, but we have focused the ‘strategic themes’ to identify three main strategic priorities and made this a 3-year plan. The priorities are: educating physicians and supporting them to fulfil their potential; improving health and care and leading the prevention of ill health across communities; and influencing the way that healthcare is designed and delivered. These priorities will only be achieved through close engagement with the RCP membership, patient and carer involvement, a focus on diversity and inclusion, good governance and working in a sustainable way. As for many charities, the past 2 years have been extremely challenging for the RCP finances. Although these are now on a stable footing, all activities that were included as part of the last strategy have been reviewed and some stopped. The ongoing financial environment necessitates a cautious approach to developing new activities, but a focus on our priorities will ensure that we maximise the use of our resources. Climate change is a major threat to us all and this will be addressed in our ongoing plans for organisational sustainability. There is much to celebrate from the past few years. Our staff have responded innovatively and with agility and our new home in Liverpool, The Spine, has been completed on time and on budget, giving us a unique opportunity to achieve our priorities outside London. Our membership numbers are increasing at the fastest rate ever, currently standing at over 40,000, giving us a wealth of wisdom and experience to draw on. We have been at the forefront of the pandemic response, and the profiles of both physicians and the RCP have never been higher. Sadly, though, the demands on the NHS and other healthcare systems mean that physicians are needed as never before and the RCP must respond to this. This strategy lays out our plans for how we will achieve this. Dr Andrew Goddard President, Royal College of Physicians Dr Ian Bullock Chief executive, Royal College of Physicians 1About us Since its foundation in 1518, the RCP’s focus has been to improve patient care and reduce illness. We drive improvement in the diagnosis of disease, the care of individual patients and the health of the whole population, both in the UK and across the globe. 2We do this through educating and supporting our members and by setting clinical and educational standards and measuring against them. In doing so, the RCP influences policymakers and other stakeholders in the design and delivery of quality healthcare. Our 40,000+ fellows and members include medical students, trainees, consultants, SAS (staff, associate specialist and specialty) doctors, physician associates and advanced clinical practitioners as well as retired physicians. They are drawn from over 100 countries around the world, working in hospitals and communities across more than 30 different medical specialties. They care for millions of medical patients and their work ranges from caring for patients who are acutely unwell in hospital, to supporting patients to manage long- term health problems at home, and encouraging people to stay fit and healthy. The RCP is a clinically led organisation and we work in partnership with our own Patient and Carer Network and other patient groups to achieve our aims. We work with various health organisations and other royal colleges to enhance the quality of medical care and promote research and innovation. We have a wider duty to raise awareness of preventable illnesses such as those caused by smoking, alcohol, obesity and air pollution and to highlight the health impacts of climate change. We promote evidence-based policies that tackle risk factors for disease to encourage good public health. 3Our vision As the leading body for physicians in the UK and internationally, the RCP envisages a world in which everyone has the best possible health and healthcare. Our values Taking care means we behave respectfully towards people, whatever their role, position, gender or background. It means we act as representatives of the RCP, and take decisions in the interests of the organisation as a whole. Learning means we continuously improve through active learning and honest reflection, so that we grow personally and as an organisation, while striving for excellence. We support learning and development opportunities. Being collaborative means we work together towards the RCP’s vision in a shared and professional way, understanding that individuals bring different strengths and approaches to our work. Our values are taking care, learning and being collaborative. 4Our mission The RCP understands its purpose in realising that vision to be: educating physicians and supporting them to fulfil their potential improving health and care and leading the prevention of ill health across communities influencing the way that healthcare is designed and delivered. 5Our priorities 6Educating physicians and supporting them to fulfil their potential We strive for excellence in the training and continuing professional development of physicians and physician associates throughout their multifaceted careers. We develop them as career- long learners and improvers, leaders, educators and researchers. We formulate and present the knowledge of our members for wider public benefit. We will: > provide a suite of robust and fit-for-purpose examinations > develop and support the implementation of curricula, training pathways and credentials which meet standards set by regulators and/or other quality frameworks > develop innovative education specific to evolving professional roles, providing it across a variety of platforms > support appropriate expectations of continuing professional development, providing a clear framework and supportive infrastructure > support clinicians to develop skills in leadership, education, research, improvement methodology and implementation science > publish and encourage medical best practice through our journals and wider publishing programme, promoting ethical standards of publication. We develop physicians and physician associates as career-long learners and improvers, leaders, educators and researchers. 7Next >